Housing, Homeownership, and the Racial Wealth Gap: Creating Racial, Economic, and Social Equity Through Housing

Historical policies and practices such as redlining and exclusionary zoning that discriminate against marginalized communities have made it difficult for BIPOC to own homes and build wealth over time. In addition to this, decades of underbuilding homes and a lack of maintenance of pre-existing homes have led to a racial homeownership gap, which perpetuates the racial wealth gap.

Through interviews with six experts in the field of housing, we tackle and explore issues surrounding access to housing, issues in housing production, access to capital, and understanding the difference between wealth and income as it relates to accumulating capital and gaining homeownership. The cyclical nature of these issues continues to financially and socially oppress BIPOC.

With our findings, this paper offers specific recommendations on using housing and homeownership as means to close the racial wealth gap.


The Effects of Upzoning Single Family Neighborhoods on Supply and Affordability


It’s Time to Center Women of Color in the Racial Wealth Gap Discussion