What’s on deck for 2023

In our last newsletter, we shared our first ever Strategic Plan (click here to download), which laid out CCB’s mission, vision, and strategy for making change. This year will be all about putting that plan into action. Here’s a high-level outline of what we’ll be working on in 2023.


CCB’s primary research focus will be on exploring the opportunities for multifamily homeownership, a type of homeownership that is naturally more affordable for families, climate-friendly, and an accessible building type for small developers of color to take on. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks as we share a new blog post on this issue as well as an in-depth report we expect to publish in March.

In addition, we will continue to explore broader issues around housing, homeownership, and the racial wealth gap. These topics will include things like mortgage lending, housing legislation, and community reinvestment.

Lastly, do you have a topic you think would fit well in our research agenda? Drop us a note!


CCB’s work this year in Sacramento, aside from supporting important initiatives led by other advocates, will be to explore ways to increase access to homeownership, both market rate and affordable, for communities of color. We will focus on supporting the production of housing, especially multifamily homeownership opportunities. Outside of California, we will continue to work with our partners and support the growth and impact of the Alliance to Close the Racial Wealth Gap.

While we are still developing our legislative agenda, we do want to shout out and share info on a bill which we really believe in: SB 4, “Yes in God’s Back Yard.” The bill will streamline the building process for faith-based institutions and non-profit colleges that want to build affordable projects for low-income families by allowing them to build multifamily housing, both rental and for-sale. For more information on how to support, please reach out to Abram Diaz (abram@nonprofithousing.org), Policy Director at NPH (SB 4 co-sponsor).


CCB knows that creating good policies is just the start, so we will spend the year working to track and analyze laws that have passed and agreements set in place to ensure those policies get implemented in the most equitable and effective manner possible.